5 Things Every Business Owner Should Do Before 7am

5 Things Every Business Owner Should Do Before 7am

Ready to make a big difference to your day? It all begins with your morning routine!

The first few hours of your day can have a huge impact on your overall mental and physical state so it’s vital to implement some easy morning tasks to reduce stress, increase happiness and encourage productivity and motivation for the day ahead.

Get your alarm ready and try these 5 things every business owner should do before 7am now:

  1. Get up early:

For those of you out there who aren’t naturally morning people, we’re here to encourage you to set your alarm that little bit earlier and get up and get moving.

Waking up early is a great way to find extra time to fit all those little tasks in that you run out of time to do, including exercising, cleaning the house, reading a book, or getting on top of your to-do list.

Use this time before the phone starts to ring, or your kids get up to do something positive. We guarantee it will help you feel less stressed and more motivated for the day ahead.

  1. Exercise:

There’s nothing quite like getting those endorphins going first thing in the morning!

Starting your morning with regular exercise can help reduce stress, clear your mind and increase your energy for a busy working day ahead! Plus, it’s great for your physical health by helping you combat obesity and health concerns like heart disease.

Try a walk or run around the block, a weight session at the gym or even yoga exercises in your lounge room. Every little bit counts!

  1. Set your goals and priorities:

If you’re struggling to get through your never-ending to-do list, spend some time before you head into the office to write your goals and priorities for the day.

This will help you begin your day with purpose, so you can increase your productivity and focus on the tasks that really matter.

We recommend putting the hardest and biggest tasks at the top of your to-do list, so you can tick them off first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh. 

  1. Do something that you love:

Sometimes with the craziness of our day-to-day lives, we forget to take time out to do the things that we enjoy. So why not spend those early hours before 7am, doing something for you. This is sure to kick-start your day on a positive note. 

  1. Avoid phone time:

While it may be tempting to roll over and scroll through your social media channels or check your emails as soon as you wake, it’s important to try limiting access to your phone for at least the first 30 minutes to an hour when you wake up. By looking at your phone first thing in the morning, you’re more likely to start your day in a stressful and negative mind frame, then if you have some sacred time to focus on doing something positive for your mind and body.

Are you a business owner who gets up before 7am? What are your essential morning tasks? Comment and let us know.