Why you should invest in Facebook advertising

Why you should invest in Facebook advertising

Are you a bit skeptical when it comes to paid advertising on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram? Well, we’re here to show you the bright side because there are 1.3 billion active daily users out there for you to engage with! Here are some reasons why we love Facebook advertising.

Facebook ads are great because they help your business attain additional reach and exposure, and they’re also ideal for targeting purposes. Amazing right?! Another great thing about Facebook ads is the fabulous feedback you receive. You’re given important insights into your current and potential audiences, and information like this will help you craft even better ads in the future!

Facebook advertising allows you to select your audience based on location, demographics, interests and behaviours. This is the biggest drawcard of Facebook advertising by far: its targeting capabilities. For example, if you’re a skincare brand based in NSW with a young audience, you can set your Facebook ads to target those with an interest in skincare, beauty, and fashion, who are between the ages of 18 and 25 and are based within as little as 10kms of your targeted area. You can’t get much better than that!

Cheap cheap...that’s another reason we like Facebook advertising. Although traditional methods of advertising like radio ads and billboards can be successful, they often break the bank and this is not what small or new businesses want. You set the budget on your Facebook ads, whether it be $5 for a weeks promotion or $500 (hey big spender!) Facebook will work to get you the best results possible for that amount.

Do you want to know what’s big right now in the Facebook ads world? Video ads. Facebook is heavily investing in video content to try and steal time and attention away from TV and online streaming sites (*cough* Netflix). On average, 100 million hours of video is watched on Facebook every day. Crazy right? Get on that video content stat!

Another fabulous thing about Facebook is that it is the leading network when it comes to purchasing decisions. 74% of consumers rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions so having your product/service sponsored for them to see is a great advantage!

So, Facebook advertising is pretty cool right! Have we convinced you to give it a go? We hope so!

If you want to craft some amazing ads for Facebook and your other social accounts, shoot us an email and we can lend you a hand.