5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

Have you always wanted to fill your workplace with terrariums and indoor plants? Well we're here to tell you, you should!

A number of scientific studies have proven the psychological and physical benefits of having plants in the office.

Here are five reasons to add some greenery to your workplace!

Reduced stress

Adding plants to the workplace has been known to reduce stress, as well as feelings of anger, depression and anxiety. Being in an environment with greenery present makes employees both calmer and happier.

Cleaner air

Air quality is significantly improved with the presence of plants as they help clear the air of chemicals. They decrease carbon dioxide levels and also assist in reducing dust levels.

Increased productivity

Research has shown that having plants in the office increases productivity among employees. Individuals perform cognitive tasks better, along with being more focused and having much better concentration. Employees also display greater creativity when plants are present in the office.

A better environment to be in

It is reasonably fair to say that plants make for a pretty great environment to be in. Along with their psychological benefits, plants make for a much more pleasant and tranquil environment to be in...and therefore work in!

Reduce sickness and absence

Having plants in the workplace can reduce sickness among employees as plants bring moisture back into the environment, which helps reduce the likelihood of headaches, sore throats and stuffy noses.

So which plants should you have?

There are a number of plants that will fit perfectly into the workplace! Here are some of the best indoor plants that thrive in low light, dry environments and will stay alive if you forget to water them every now and then (we’re all guilty of this!):

  • Spider plant
  • Snake plant
  • Peace Lily
  • Devil’s Ivy
  • Succulents
  • Cacti

As for the placement of plants in the office, this is dependent on the office conditions. If your workplace is blessed with large windows and natural light, you can essentially choose any of the plants listed above and put them wherever you like...lucky duck! If your office receives very little sunlight, you’re best to stick to plants like Peace Lily and Devil’s Ivy.

Do you have plants in the office already? Let us know your favourites in the comments below!

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

5 ways to de-stress at the end of the week

5 ways to de-stress at the end of the week

There’s nothing worse than finishing a stressful week of work and not being able to unwind during those two glorious days we call the weekend. Taking our work home with us is an easy thing to do, but it’s important we give ourselves time to switch off and rejuvenate before we start another crazy week.

If you can’t get work responsibilities off your mind and you’re struggling to de-stress, here are five things you should try to get the most out of your next weekend.

Get up early and exercise 

It’s tempting to sleep in after a busy work week, but waking up early to fit some exercise into your day will help you clear your mind and use those precious work-free days to the best advantage.

Exercise is a tried and tested, scientifically proven form of stress relief and will help you focus on the day’s tasks while having some extra endorphins in your body. Plus, going for a walk or run is a great distraction no matter what’s on your mind, so you have nothing to lose except that lingering work stress.

Unplug and unwind

Technology is kind of like a new born baby. On the one hand we’re incredibly blessed it exists and without it our world would be entirely different. On the other, it constantly demands our attention, takes up all of our time and can, let’s face it, be extremely irritating.

Turning off your phone and computer will stop you from reading work-related emails, wasting time and energy mindlessly scrolling through your social media channels, and will give you the space you need to truly breathe after a chaotic week.

Grab coffee with a friend

Your friends can be the perfect distraction when you can’t seem to switch off, and even better sounding boards when you need to vent about work. Grabbing a coffee or a bite to eat with a friend will get you out of the house and talking to someone other than your work colleagues. Plus, focusing on someone else’s life is a great way to forget about all the things that are stressing you out.

Spend time on something completely unrelated to work

Finally start that veggie garden you keep putting off or try your hand at some DIY candle making. Whatever it is, spending time on a project outside of work will keep your mind busy and give you something completely unrelated to work to focus on. And, for those of us who aren’t very good at doing nothing, it’s also a great way to unwind while still staying productive on the weekends.

Treat yourself

It may sound shallow, but research has proven that occasionally treating yourself actually makes your brain happier. While you probably shouldn’t treat yourself all the time (even though you deserve it), mixing up your everyday life by doing something you usually wouldn’t is a legitimate way of relieving stress.

So, in case you needed an excuse to take a four-hour long bubble bath or buy those shoes you’ve been staring at through the shop window, now science has given you one.

What’s your favourite way to de-stress at the end of a busy week? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Penny Robinson-Brown