How To Set And Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year, new you. How many times have you said that to yourself? Every year? Us too! So many of us set unrealistic resolutions each year and end up breaking them. The key to setting reasonable New Year’s resolutions that you won’t break is to make them measurable and achievable. We’ll leave your personal resolutions up to you, but to help you get on track for a more productive year at work, here are some of our top productivity tips!

  1. Address must-do’s first

Have you ever put of a big project in favour of smaller, less critical ones? We’re all guilty! Although you may get the smaller tasks done faster, you could find yourself running out of time to complete the big project. So, to ensure they get done on time, always work on the more important projects at the start of the day. Your future self with thank you.

  1. Take breaks

Try to figure out when your productivity begins to drain and take a break. Go for a walk around the block, grab a drink or snack. When you sit back at your desk, you’ll feel more alive and ready to tackle your to-do list. Also, taking time out of each day for a bit of mindfulness will do wonders for your productivity.

  1. Stop multitasking

It’s a myth, okay. We all think it’s possible but really it’s not. Instead of jumping between multiple tasks at once, commit your focus to one task at a time. You’ll be surprised how much faster you get them all done simply by tackling one project at a time.

  1. Schedule email time and turn off notifications

These are two infamous concentration breakers. Having a set time to check emails means you aren’t getting distracted throughout the day. Set aside time in the morning and afternoon to read through and respond to emails. As for notifications, turn off the insignificant ones to allow yourself to focus on the job at hand. Nothing is more distracting than a snapchat notification popping up on your phone!

  1. Know when it’s time to delegate and outsource

Many business owners think they can tackle everything on their own, and this is when they become overloaded and overworked. Learning which projects and tasks can be outsourced and which ones require your input is a skill. By outsourcing jobs to other professionals, you’re freeing up your time to focus on more important jobs.

Here’s to a greater, more productive work year for you and your team!

If you find your workload increasing and think you may need to outsource, whether it be with content creation, branding and strategy, or community management, our team is here to help! Shoot us an email to book a consultation.

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year Business Resolutions You Need To Make Now

New Year Business Resolutions You Need To Make Now

The start of a New Year is a good time to reflect on your businesses progress over the past year and plan for the future.

From launching a venture you’ve been dying to get off the ground to having more ‘me’ time, read on for our top New Year’s business resolutions that you need to make now!

Plan for your business:

Too often we make business development the last thing on our to-do list when really it should be at the top! Rather than just focusing on the day-to-day running of the business, this year allocate time for yourself/and your team to put the development of your business first. Use that time to plan for new ventures, events or marketing strategies, or to tackle a business problem you’ve been putting off.

You’ll be amazed and how spending a little time each week can really help your business grow and develop.

Take time out for you: 

In order to run your business in the most effective way possible, you need to be inspired and motivated! This is hard to achieve when you’re constantly on the go, so it’s important to allocate a few hours to take time out for yourself throughout the week. If you struggle to find the time, make sure you schedule it into your calendar like you would any other meeting. Trust us! The world can wait for a few hours.

Use your ‘me’ time to switch off, relax, play a sport, spend time with family and friends – whatever it is that makes you feel great!

Let go of what isn’t working and try something new:

The New Year is a great time to evaluate where your business is at, what’s working and what isn’t. Be brave enough to let go of things that aren’t doing your business any good, and take the leap to try something new.

New things you could try in 2017 could be kick-starting a great marketing campaign, launching an online store or running an event. Let go of what’s holding you back and give something new a go.

Choose your priorities:

Every day we wake up to a long to-do list and unfortunately we can’t do it all! So instead of trying to tackle everything, learn to focus on your business’s priorities, delegate the non-essentials and be content to not always complete everything on your list. This will help you be less-stressed and more focused on the business tasks that really matter.

What are your business resolutions for the New Year? Comment and share with us below!

If embarking on a digital marketing campaign is one of your business goals for 2017, get in touch with our team of experts today.

e: [email protected] – P: 1300 386 165.