5 ways to de-stress at the end of the week

5 ways to de-stress at the end of the week

There’s nothing worse than finishing a stressful week of work and not being able to unwind during those two glorious days we call the weekend. Taking our work home with us is an easy thing to do, but it’s important we give ourselves time to switch off and rejuvenate before we start another crazy week.

If you can’t get work responsibilities off your mind and you’re struggling to de-stress, here are five things you should try to get the most out of your next weekend.

Get up early and exercise 

It’s tempting to sleep in after a busy work week, but waking up early to fit some exercise into your day will help you clear your mind and use those precious work-free days to the best advantage.

Exercise is a tried and tested, scientifically proven form of stress relief and will help you focus on the day’s tasks while having some extra endorphins in your body. Plus, going for a walk or run is a great distraction no matter what’s on your mind, so you have nothing to lose except that lingering work stress.

Unplug and unwind

Technology is kind of like a new born baby. On the one hand we’re incredibly blessed it exists and without it our world would be entirely different. On the other, it constantly demands our attention, takes up all of our time and can, let’s face it, be extremely irritating.

Turning off your phone and computer will stop you from reading work-related emails, wasting time and energy mindlessly scrolling through your social media channels, and will give you the space you need to truly breathe after a chaotic week.

Grab coffee with a friend

Your friends can be the perfect distraction when you can’t seem to switch off, and even better sounding boards when you need to vent about work. Grabbing a coffee or a bite to eat with a friend will get you out of the house and talking to someone other than your work colleagues. Plus, focusing on someone else’s life is a great way to forget about all the things that are stressing you out.

Spend time on something completely unrelated to work

Finally start that veggie garden you keep putting off or try your hand at some DIY candle making. Whatever it is, spending time on a project outside of work will keep your mind busy and give you something completely unrelated to work to focus on. And, for those of us who aren’t very good at doing nothing, it’s also a great way to unwind while still staying productive on the weekends.

Treat yourself

It may sound shallow, but research has proven that occasionally treating yourself actually makes your brain happier. While you probably shouldn’t treat yourself all the time (even though you deserve it), mixing up your everyday life by doing something you usually wouldn’t is a legitimate way of relieving stress.

So, in case you needed an excuse to take a four-hour long bubble bath or buy those shoes you’ve been staring at through the shop window, now science has given you one.

What’s your favourite way to de-stress at the end of a busy week? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Penny Robinson-Brown

New Year Business Resolutions You Need To Make Now

New Year Business Resolutions You Need To Make Now

The start of a New Year is a good time to reflect on your businesses progress over the past year and plan for the future.

From launching a venture you’ve been dying to get off the ground to having more ‘me’ time, read on for our top New Year’s business resolutions that you need to make now!

Plan for your business:

Too often we make business development the last thing on our to-do list when really it should be at the top! Rather than just focusing on the day-to-day running of the business, this year allocate time for yourself/and your team to put the development of your business first. Use that time to plan for new ventures, events or marketing strategies, or to tackle a business problem you’ve been putting off.

You’ll be amazed and how spending a little time each week can really help your business grow and develop.

Take time out for you: 

In order to run your business in the most effective way possible, you need to be inspired and motivated! This is hard to achieve when you’re constantly on the go, so it’s important to allocate a few hours to take time out for yourself throughout the week. If you struggle to find the time, make sure you schedule it into your calendar like you would any other meeting. Trust us! The world can wait for a few hours.

Use your ‘me’ time to switch off, relax, play a sport, spend time with family and friends – whatever it is that makes you feel great!

Let go of what isn’t working and try something new:

The New Year is a great time to evaluate where your business is at, what’s working and what isn’t. Be brave enough to let go of things that aren’t doing your business any good, and take the leap to try something new.

New things you could try in 2017 could be kick-starting a great marketing campaign, launching an online store or running an event. Let go of what’s holding you back and give something new a go.

Choose your priorities:

Every day we wake up to a long to-do list and unfortunately we can’t do it all! So instead of trying to tackle everything, learn to focus on your business’s priorities, delegate the non-essentials and be content to not always complete everything on your list. This will help you be less-stressed and more focused on the business tasks that really matter.

What are your business resolutions for the New Year? Comment and share with us below!

If embarking on a digital marketing campaign is one of your business goals for 2017, get in touch with our team of experts today.

e: [email protected] – P: 1300 386 165.


How to unwind at the end of a busy year

How to unwind at the end of a busy year

As 2016 is drawing to a close it’s a great opportunity to take some time out during the Christmas and New Year period to unwind and recharge.

Unsure where to start? Check out our top tips below!

Switch off:

While there’s no doubt that we love social media here at Melbourne Social Co, sometimes even we need a little time out from the online world. Taking a few hours (or days!) to switch off will help your feel more inspired and motivated.

Just ensure you continue to schedule your businesses social media content while you switch off – better yet, engage a social media manager to create, distribute and monitor your social media activity for your business while you're offline.

Spend time with your family:

There’s nothing quite like spending quality time with your loved ones, so make sure you lock in some time for a little family fun! Whether you choose to relax on the couch with a movie, or head away for a mini vacation, taking time out with the people who matter in your life will lift your spirits and recharge your energy.

Have a change of scenery:

Throughout the year, sometimes we get so caught up in our routines that we forget to experience the amazing world around us! It may be a cliche, but sometimes we really do need to stop and smell the roses! This holiday season, try to take a few days to jet off to a different location or head somewhere you’ve never been before – even if it’s a great local beach, or walking track that you’ve been dying to go to.

Get inspired: 

In order to begin the New Year in the right frame of mind, it’s important to take some time to get inspired! Attend a seminar, organise a coffee catch up with a person you admire or read a great book from an inspiring author– the options are endless!

Make sure you write down what it is about these things that inspire you so you can aim to action them in your 2017 goals!


Seems simple doesn’t it? But see if you can spend some time doing absolutely nothing! Watch a movie, go for a walk or just have a sleep-in. All of these non-work related activities are vital to help you begin a new year with a fresh and recharged mind.

How are you unwinding at the end of this year? Comment and share with us below!

If you need help taking your social media marketing to the next level in 2017 make sure you get in touch with our expert team here at Melbourne Social Co.

e: [email protected] – P: 1300 386 165

How To Stay Motivated As A Business Owner

How To Stay Motivated As A Business Owner

There’s no denying that being a business owner is hard - if it wasn't, everyone would be doing it! And sometimes, staying motivated can be a challenge, especially when you have to deal with the day-to-day ups and downs of running a business.

However, staying motivated, positive and inspired is a must - both for yourself, your employees and ultimately your business!

Unsure how? We've put together our top tips for staying motivated as a business owner to try now.

Remember why you started:

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running of your business and the stresses that come with it, and sometimes we forget why we even started our business in the first place! Maybe you started your business because you were really passionate about an idea, a product or a service. Maybe you wanted to help people? Maybe you wanted to be your own boss. Regardless of the reasons, it’s important to take some time to reflect on this drive you had when you started, why you wanted to create your brand and channel that through everything you do!

Set goals:

For those occasions when feel like your business is at a standstill and you're stuck in a rut, it’s a good idea to set some realistic goals and work towards them! Start with something small like improving your brand's social media presence or writing a blog. If you're feeling ambitious, plan towards something larger like opening a new bricks and mortar location or running a big marketing campaign.

Each time you achieve a goal, make sure you stop and reflect on how far you’ve come.

Look after yourself:

Sometimes a weekend away, or a big sleep in can do wonders for your physical and mental health and not to mention how you run your business! By looking after yourself, you give yourself the energy and the resources to do the best job you can.

Make sure you make yourself a priority and schedule in some much needed ‘me’ time, whether that’s to hit the gym, curl up on the couch with your pooch or family, or watch trashy TV (Keeping Up With The Kardashians anyone?!)

Do you need some help setting or achieving some of your business’ goals? We're here to help!

Contact us now for more information on how we can work together to continue to grow your business.

e: [email protected] – P: 1300 386 165


4 Tips to Increase Productivity

4 Tips to Increase Productivity

Productivity. A hot topic for many business owners and employees is how to manage time to get as much done as possible whilst still producing the best results. With an endless list of things happening throughout our day-to-day lives, it’s important we determine what is realistic, plan ahead, set time limits and minimise distractions so we can put our heads down and get the work done in the quickest and best way possible.

Unsure how? Read on below for our top 4 tips on how to manage your time and increase your productivity:

1. Plan your day:

This is a must! Spend the first 30 minutes of your day planning out what needs to be done for the day ahead. Put your toughest tasks at the top of the list and power through them first, so you leave more time at the end of the day for easier tasks or for tasks that you enjoy. Don’t forgot to plan time for your breaks, exercise and family time, as these are great incentives to help you keep working.

2. Set a time limit:

Once you’ve written your to-do list, it’s time to set a time limit to each task and be realistic! Allocate 90 minutes to work through a task (or a few if they are easier,) and then make sure you get up from your desk, walk away and recharge once the time is up. Allocating time slots and deadlines encourages you to work harder and faster with the reward of stopping for a break at the end.

3. Take a break:

Taking breaks throughout your working day is great for your mind and your body! Physically stepping away from your desk, heading outside for a walk or chatting to a friend helps to recharge your mind so you can focus thoroughly throughout your work time.

4. Switch off notifications:

In an age when our emails, phone and social media networks are constantly going off it’s no wonder we struggle to get our work done! Switch off notifications for all of the above, and put your head down and complete your tasks. The emails, phone calls and social media can wait – even if it’s just for 30 minutes or an hour.

Are you struggling to fit everything into your day including your business’ social media or digital marketing?

Get in touch with Melbourne Social Co today to find out how we can take care of your branding and strategy, content creation and content distribution, while you get back to business.

Send us an email today: [email protected]

Melbourne Social Co Consulting Sessions

Daily Habits of Successful People

If you are serious about getting ahead and taking your professional life to the next level, it’s time to take some cues from some of the world’s most successful people and implement their daily habits into your life now.

Wondering what they are? Read on for their key habits for success:

They get up early:

One of the most common habits of successful people is that they are early risers. They use this time before the craziness of the day begins to get a head start on work, or to do something positive for themselves like meditating, exercise and further education.

They plan their day:

Go-getters know the importance of planning ahead to maximise productivity and it’s time for you to as well! Planning your day is a great way to ensure you get things done and tick the most important tasks off. Start each day by creating a list of essential tasks including things for your own health and happiness like exercise and family time. Lists are such a great way to motivate yourself to work harder and there is nothing more satisfying than physically ticking things off from your to-do list!

They exercise and look after their health:

Successful people know that in order to do their best in the office, they need to look after their health and that includes exercising, resting and getting plenty of sleep. These things help to ensure you are functioning your best so you can continue to work hard without burning out.

They practice gratitude:

When working hard towards your goals it can be easy to forget about the amazing things you have in your life right now. That’s why in order to continue to progress, you have to take time to be in the present moment and to be grateful for everything you have today as motivation to move forward tomorrow.

While you focus on doing these key things to keep reaching your personal and professional goals, Melbourne Social Co can take care of the rest!

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you build your brand’s awareness, manage your social media content and distribution, create amazing PR campaigns and a whole lot more.

Send us an email today: [email protected]