Tips to create a happier and more exciting workplace!

Melbourne Social Co's tips to create a happier and more exciting workplace!

Here at Melbourne Social Co we've put together our top tips to create a happier and more exciting workplace!

Don’t put up with a dull workplace that stifles your creativity, considering how much time we spend at work each week. A happy and exciting workplace is important to boost productivity and workplace pleasure.

Inspirational quotes and messages

Why not surround yourself with words that inspire and motivate you to do your best. The workplace can get a little dull so adding anything that stimulates employees and pushes them to be their best is a great way to improve and strengthen a workplace. Check out some of our fave inspo quotes here at Melbourne Social Co.

Desk plants and flowers

Bring some Zen to the office! Here at Melbourne Social Co we love adding some gorgeous greenery or fresh blooms to the workplace. It's good for the soul and the mind. Studies have shown that plants can boost office productivity and happiness, so why not brighten up the workplace!

Personalise your workspace

Your workplace is essentially your second home; with the amount of time spent at work it should reflect you! Add some personal touches to your workspace to make yourself more comfortable and at home.

Get an office mug that will make your day, everyday

Stop using the generic workplace provided mugs and get yourself a mug that’ll make you smile! Even something as small as having groovy mug can improve your mood at work and in turn will help to create a happier workplace.


Clutter creates stress, and there is no place for unnecessary stress in the workplace. Do yourself a favour and remove the clutter and mess from your workplace to ensure you can be as efficient as possible!

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Tips to create a happier and more exciting workplace!
Tips to create a happier and more exciting workplace!

Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity

Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity

Feeling like you need to boost your productivity? You know the feeling. It’s just after 2pm and you’re left staring into the abyss that is your iMac screen, wishing reports would magically write themselves and you had a time turner to push 5pm that little bit closer.

Don’t feel guilty, we’ve all been there- boredom and distraction happens to even the most dedicated employees. Luckily for you, we’ve popped together three of our favourite tips to increase office productivity and keep you occupied and focused all shift long!

Keep Things Tidy

We know the last thing you feel like doing is giving your desk a once over with the Windex when you have piles of work to be and major writer’s block. But, trust us, this little tip could make all the difference!

Recent studies have confirmed the correlation between increased anxiety levels and a messy environment (at home or in the workspace). Clutter and untidiness can subconsciously affect mental clarity, making it all the more difficult to focus on an urgent task at hand.

We recommend keeping a small dustbin close by so you can manage your disposable mess, whilst adhering to a clear and simple organisational structure for files and documents. Even if this means spending an extra 5 -10 minutes at the end of the day tidying and putting things back into place, you and the quality of your work will be so much better for it!

Stay Nourished and Hydrated

Hitting the snooze button on a chilly winter’s morning instead of getting up 15 minutes early to grab something quick to eat is a common occurrence for many of us. Whilst you may run out the door feeling full, once you’ve properly awoken and arrived at work, hunger will soon rear its ugly head.

Hunger can drastically affect mood and concentration, so instead of you (and your work) suffering until lunchtime, be sure to leave some healthy snacks in your handbag or office drawer to snack on and keep your energy levels on track.

Eating small amounts regularly fuels our metabolism and largely contributes to our blood sugar and energy levels, equalling increased concentration and motivation.

We recommend foods high in ‘good’ fats such as almonds and avocados and berries and green vegetables rich in vitamins K & C. These kinds of Superfoods promote healthy brain function and minimise bodily stress through the benefits of antioxidants.

Stretch Your Legs

Although the thought of an afternoon stroll sounds entirely counterproductive when you have serious deadlines looming, taking a quick break can actually improve concentration. Even if it’s just five minutes around the block, up and down the stairs, or to the local coffee shop and back, moving around every few hours is very important for those with a desk job and sedentary lifestyle.

Studies have found that those who take short, regular breaks in the workspace maintain a more constant level of performance than those who don’t. Plus, moving around increases blood flow, which promotes good cardiovascular health, and all in all increases cognitive awareness and mental clarity. Plus, who would say no to an extra coffee break?!

So there you have them, our tried and tested, simple yet sure-fire ways to increase productivity, stay focused and motivated during your daily grind, courtesy of the team at Melbourne Social Co.

Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity

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Ten tips to leading a more productive life

Ten tips to leading a more productive life

Do you find yourself clicking your pen an hour after you sit down at your desk? Do you take a few too many coffee breaks just so you can escape the office? Here are ten tips to help you lead a more productive life both in the office and at home.

  1. To-do lists (tackle the toughest to-do first)

To-do lists help organize our chaotic lives, so start writing friends! Even better, write tomorrow’s to-do list today. Before you go to bed each night, jot down the list of jobs you want to complete tomorrow. You’ll have a head start for the following day! #winning

  1. Switch off

A good nights sleep is super important if you want to be a fully functioning adult the following day. Switching off your mobile phone will stop you from checking Instagram at 2am, leading to an amazing sleep. If you’re feeling daring, you could even leave your phone outside your bedroom (gasp!)

  1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is great because it gives us more energy (yay!) When you exercise, the brain releases serotonin, which stimulates positive moods and emotions. Exercise also increases blood flow to the brain, sharpening awareness and alertness.

  1. Set goals

Setting goals that are achievable yet difficult will help push you to greater success. Writing goals down on a piece of paper and making them visible everyday means you’re more likely to focus on achieving them!

  1. Start your day early

Okay so waking up at 5:30am might be a hard ask, but getting up when the sun does has its benefits. Completing tasks early in the day leaves you feeling accomplished by 10am and gives you the confidence to tackle the rest of the day. Not to mention you have the whole evening to relax!

  1. Organize your office space

Your environment is important factor when it comes to productivity. Try de-cluttering your desk, adding some plants and perhaps burning a candle. This will create an environment that makes you feel positive and creative. 

  1. Stop multi-tasking

As much as we’d love to believe otherwise, it’s near impossible to do more than one thing at a time. Free your mind (and your desktop) of distractions so you can focus on one task at a time. 

  1. Eat well

Eating well and drinking plenty of water is important for both our physical and mental health. A study by the British Journal of Health Psychology highlighted that the more fruits and vegetables people consumed, the happier, more engaged, and more creative they tended to be.

  1. Take frequent breaks

We’re all guilty of thinking we’re superhuman and that we’re able to sit at our desk working for four hours straight. Our brains can only function for so long so remember to take breaks throughout the day; stretch, grab a coffee, have a snack, or walk around the block. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to conquer the next task!

  1. Utilize your commute

If you use public transport to get to and from work each day, use the journey wisely. Instead of spending half an hour in the office checking emails, why not go through them on your commute. If you’re stuck in traffic driving to work, put on a podcast! Try Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso.

We hope these tips help you overcome that slump of productiveness we all go through every now and then.

Do you have any productivity pointers of your own? Share them with us in the comment section below.

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

Have you always wanted to fill your workplace with terrariums and indoor plants? Well we're here to tell you, you should!

A number of scientific studies have proven the psychological and physical benefits of having plants in the office.

Here are five reasons to add some greenery to your workplace!

Reduced stress

Adding plants to the workplace has been known to reduce stress, as well as feelings of anger, depression and anxiety. Being in an environment with greenery present makes employees both calmer and happier.

Cleaner air

Air quality is significantly improved with the presence of plants as they help clear the air of chemicals. They decrease carbon dioxide levels and also assist in reducing dust levels.

Increased productivity

Research has shown that having plants in the office increases productivity among employees. Individuals perform cognitive tasks better, along with being more focused and having much better concentration. Employees also display greater creativity when plants are present in the office.

A better environment to be in

It is reasonably fair to say that plants make for a pretty great environment to be in. Along with their psychological benefits, plants make for a much more pleasant and tranquil environment to be in...and therefore work in!

Reduce sickness and absence

Having plants in the workplace can reduce sickness among employees as plants bring moisture back into the environment, which helps reduce the likelihood of headaches, sore throats and stuffy noses.

So which plants should you have?

There are a number of plants that will fit perfectly into the workplace! Here are some of the best indoor plants that thrive in low light, dry environments and will stay alive if you forget to water them every now and then (we’re all guilty of this!):

  • Spider plant
  • Snake plant
  • Peace Lily
  • Devil’s Ivy
  • Succulents
  • Cacti

As for the placement of plants in the office, this is dependent on the office conditions. If your workplace is blessed with large windows and natural light, you can essentially choose any of the plants listed above and put them wherever you like...lucky duck! If your office receives very little sunlight, you’re best to stick to plants like Peace Lily and Devil’s Ivy.

Do you have plants in the office already? Let us know your favourites in the comments below!

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace