Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity

Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity

Feeling like you need to boost your productivity? You know the feeling. It’s just after 2pm and you’re left staring into the abyss that is your iMac screen, wishing reports would magically write themselves and you had a time turner to push 5pm that little bit closer.

Don’t feel guilty, we’ve all been there- boredom and distraction happens to even the most dedicated employees. Luckily for you, we’ve popped together three of our favourite tips to increase office productivity and keep you occupied and focused all shift long!

Keep Things Tidy

We know the last thing you feel like doing is giving your desk a once over with the Windex when you have piles of work to be and major writer’s block. But, trust us, this little tip could make all the difference!

Recent studies have confirmed the correlation between increased anxiety levels and a messy environment (at home or in the workspace). Clutter and untidiness can subconsciously affect mental clarity, making it all the more difficult to focus on an urgent task at hand.

We recommend keeping a small dustbin close by so you can manage your disposable mess, whilst adhering to a clear and simple organisational structure for files and documents. Even if this means spending an extra 5 -10 minutes at the end of the day tidying and putting things back into place, you and the quality of your work will be so much better for it!

Stay Nourished and Hydrated

Hitting the snooze button on a chilly winter’s morning instead of getting up 15 minutes early to grab something quick to eat is a common occurrence for many of us. Whilst you may run out the door feeling full, once you’ve properly awoken and arrived at work, hunger will soon rear its ugly head.

Hunger can drastically affect mood and concentration, so instead of you (and your work) suffering until lunchtime, be sure to leave some healthy snacks in your handbag or office drawer to snack on and keep your energy levels on track.

Eating small amounts regularly fuels our metabolism and largely contributes to our blood sugar and energy levels, equalling increased concentration and motivation.

We recommend foods high in ‘good’ fats such as almonds and avocados and berries and green vegetables rich in vitamins K & C. These kinds of Superfoods promote healthy brain function and minimise bodily stress through the benefits of antioxidants.

Stretch Your Legs

Although the thought of an afternoon stroll sounds entirely counterproductive when you have serious deadlines looming, taking a quick break can actually improve concentration. Even if it’s just five minutes around the block, up and down the stairs, or to the local coffee shop and back, moving around every few hours is very important for those with a desk job and sedentary lifestyle.

Studies have found that those who take short, regular breaks in the workspace maintain a more constant level of performance than those who don’t. Plus, moving around increases blood flow, which promotes good cardiovascular health, and all in all increases cognitive awareness and mental clarity. Plus, who would say no to an extra coffee break?!

So there you have them, our tried and tested, simple yet sure-fire ways to increase productivity, stay focused and motivated during your daily grind, courtesy of the team at Melbourne Social Co.

Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity

Want to know more about our strategy or content creation services? Send us an email today to [email protected]

How To Set And Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year, new you. How many times have you said that to yourself? Every year? Us too! So many of us set unrealistic resolutions each year and end up breaking them. The key to setting reasonable New Year’s resolutions that you won’t break is to make them measurable and achievable. We’ll leave your personal resolutions up to you, but to help you get on track for a more productive year at work, here are some of our top productivity tips!

  1. Address must-do’s first

Have you ever put of a big project in favour of smaller, less critical ones? We’re all guilty! Although you may get the smaller tasks done faster, you could find yourself running out of time to complete the big project. So, to ensure they get done on time, always work on the more important projects at the start of the day. Your future self with thank you.

  1. Take breaks

Try to figure out when your productivity begins to drain and take a break. Go for a walk around the block, grab a drink or snack. When you sit back at your desk, you’ll feel more alive and ready to tackle your to-do list. Also, taking time out of each day for a bit of mindfulness will do wonders for your productivity.

  1. Stop multitasking

It’s a myth, okay. We all think it’s possible but really it’s not. Instead of jumping between multiple tasks at once, commit your focus to one task at a time. You’ll be surprised how much faster you get them all done simply by tackling one project at a time.

  1. Schedule email time and turn off notifications

These are two infamous concentration breakers. Having a set time to check emails means you aren’t getting distracted throughout the day. Set aside time in the morning and afternoon to read through and respond to emails. As for notifications, turn off the insignificant ones to allow yourself to focus on the job at hand. Nothing is more distracting than a snapchat notification popping up on your phone!

  1. Know when it’s time to delegate and outsource

Many business owners think they can tackle everything on their own, and this is when they become overloaded and overworked. Learning which projects and tasks can be outsourced and which ones require your input is a skill. By outsourcing jobs to other professionals, you’re freeing up your time to focus on more important jobs.

Here’s to a greater, more productive work year for you and your team!

If you find your workload increasing and think you may need to outsource, whether it be with content creation, branding and strategy, or community management, our team is here to help! Shoot us an email to book a consultation.

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Creating a productive and inspiring workplace environment

Creating a productive and inspiring workplace environment

We’ve all arrived at work on a Monday morning, unmotivated and uninspired to begin the working day.

That’s why it’s up to you as a business owner to create the right kind of workplace environment to encourage yourself and your team to work hard and do their best every day.

Unsure where to start? Here are our top tips for creating a productive and inspiring workplace environment:

Have the right kind of set-up:

Believe it or not, the space you work in can have a huge impact on your mental focus, productivity and workplace culture.

So why not adorn your desk with things that motivate you, whether it’s an inspirational quote, beautiful flowers or pictures of your loved ones. You spend most of your time at your desk, so you want it to be a place you enjoy working at.

Aside from your personal desk space, it’s also important to note the layout of your office to ensure it’s maximised for productivity and caters to all workers and tasks. Ensure you have an area for private work when you really need to knuckle down to business, as well as large tables for brainstorming, meetings and teamwork.

Other workplace essentials include:

  • Having plenty of natural daylight
  • Fresh flowers and plants
  • Lots of fresh air
  • Images/artwork that is inspiring and motivational

Encourage relationships:

There’s no greater support than the support from the people you work with so make sure you encourage relationships and a great team environment within your organisation.

Ways to do this include:

  • Assign team work
  • Have a weekly team meeting
  • Organise monthly team lunches
  • Plan work social events (from dinner, to bowling or the movies!)

By encouraging communication and fostering relationships within the workplace, you and your employees will not only enjoy coming to work, but everyone will be more productive by easily communicating and working together to get the job done!

Embrace technology:

It’s no secret that we love technology here at Melbourne Social Co and we believe it can be great for helping workplaces to be more productive!

Instead of organising countless face-to-face meetings that eat into your day, invest in a project management system. This will help everyone to keep track of their daily, weekly and monthly tasks without the need for endless emails or meetings – yes please!

Now that you’ve got your workplace sorted, it’s time to take your business’s social media marketing to the next level. If you’re unsure where to start, contact our team of digital marketing experts today. Contact us on: e: [email protected] – P: 1300 386 165.



4 Tips to Increase Productivity

4 Tips to Increase Productivity

Productivity. A hot topic for many business owners and employees is how to manage time to get as much done as possible whilst still producing the best results. With an endless list of things happening throughout our day-to-day lives, it’s important we determine what is realistic, plan ahead, set time limits and minimise distractions so we can put our heads down and get the work done in the quickest and best way possible.

Unsure how? Read on below for our top 4 tips on how to manage your time and increase your productivity:

1. Plan your day:

This is a must! Spend the first 30 minutes of your day planning out what needs to be done for the day ahead. Put your toughest tasks at the top of the list and power through them first, so you leave more time at the end of the day for easier tasks or for tasks that you enjoy. Don’t forgot to plan time for your breaks, exercise and family time, as these are great incentives to help you keep working.

2. Set a time limit:

Once you’ve written your to-do list, it’s time to set a time limit to each task and be realistic! Allocate 90 minutes to work through a task (or a few if they are easier,) and then make sure you get up from your desk, walk away and recharge once the time is up. Allocating time slots and deadlines encourages you to work harder and faster with the reward of stopping for a break at the end.

3. Take a break:

Taking breaks throughout your working day is great for your mind and your body! Physically stepping away from your desk, heading outside for a walk or chatting to a friend helps to recharge your mind so you can focus thoroughly throughout your work time.

4. Switch off notifications:

In an age when our emails, phone and social media networks are constantly going off it’s no wonder we struggle to get our work done! Switch off notifications for all of the above, and put your head down and complete your tasks. The emails, phone calls and social media can wait – even if it’s just for 30 minutes or an hour.

Are you struggling to fit everything into your day including your business’ social media or digital marketing?

Get in touch with Melbourne Social Co today to find out how we can take care of your branding and strategy, content creation and content distribution, while you get back to business.

Send us an email today: [email protected]