Three Easy Ways to Increase Office Productivity
Feeling like you need to boost your productivity? You know the feeling. It’s just after 2pm and you’re left staring into the abyss that is your iMac screen, wishing reports would magically write themselves and you had a time turner to push 5pm that little bit closer.
Don’t feel guilty, we’ve all been there- boredom and distraction happens to even the most dedicated employees. Luckily for you, we’ve popped together three of our favourite tips to increase office productivity and keep you occupied and focused all shift long!
Keep Things Tidy
We know the last thing you feel like doing is giving your desk a once over with the Windex when you have piles of work to be and major writer’s block. But, trust us, this little tip could make all the difference!
Recent studies have confirmed the correlation between increased anxiety levels and a messy environment (at home or in the workspace). Clutter and untidiness can subconsciously affect mental clarity, making it all the more difficult to focus on an urgent task at hand.
We recommend keeping a small dustbin close by so you can manage your disposable mess, whilst adhering to a clear and simple organisational structure for files and documents. Even if this means spending an extra 5 -10 minutes at the end of the day tidying and putting things back into place, you and the quality of your work will be so much better for it!
Stay Nourished and Hydrated
Hitting the snooze button on a chilly winter’s morning instead of getting up 15 minutes early to grab something quick to eat is a common occurrence for many of us. Whilst you may run out the door feeling full, once you’ve properly awoken and arrived at work, hunger will soon rear its ugly head.
Hunger can drastically affect mood and concentration, so instead of you (and your work) suffering until lunchtime, be sure to leave some healthy snacks in your handbag or office drawer to snack on and keep your energy levels on track.
Eating small amounts regularly fuels our metabolism and largely contributes to our blood sugar and energy levels, equalling increased concentration and motivation.
We recommend foods high in ‘good’ fats such as almonds and avocados and berries and green vegetables rich in vitamins K & C. These kinds of Superfoods promote healthy brain function and minimise bodily stress through the benefits of antioxidants.
Stretch Your Legs
Although the thought of an afternoon stroll sounds entirely counterproductive when you have serious deadlines looming, taking a quick break can actually improve concentration. Even if it’s just five minutes around the block, up and down the stairs, or to the local coffee shop and back, moving around every few hours is very important for those with a desk job and sedentary lifestyle.
Studies have found that those who take short, regular breaks in the workspace maintain a more constant level of performance than those who don’t. Plus, moving around increases blood flow, which promotes good cardiovascular health, and all in all increases cognitive awareness and mental clarity. Plus, who would say no to an extra coffee break?!
So there you have them, our tried and tested, simple yet sure-fire ways to increase productivity, stay focused and motivated during your daily grind, courtesy of the team at Melbourne Social Co.
Want to know more about our strategy or content creation services? Send us an email today to [email protected]
Instagram Aesthetics - The Importance of a Cohesive Theme
If you’re an Instagram addict like all of us at Melbourne Social Co., you may have noticed that many of the app’s most popular accounts have more in common with each other than just a high follower count.
Successful Instagram feeds are, above all, aesthetically pleasing, but in a cohesive way that accurately reflects the aesthetics, vision and message of the person or brand.
One of the main ways to achieve such a visually consistent and impactful feed is by implementing an Instagram ‘theme’. What this means is that there is a visual common thread between all of your posts, so that when someone views your feed it will look cohesive and organised. All your posts will in some way look like they go together.
But what's the right approach for your brand? We discuss a few different ways to implement an Instagram theme below.
Pick a colour
There’s an infinite number of themes to choose from for your feed, but you’ll want to pick one that suits your content and aesthetic. For example, you could have a colour coordinated theme, where a certain colour (or colours) appear in every post. These colours should reflect your aesthetic, and perhaps the design of your brand’s product or logo. The repeating colours will help make your feed look visually stimulating and organised, as well as creating an association between you/your brand and those specific colours.
A common subject
Alternatively, your theme may govern the content of the images you post. For example, your theme could be based around a specific object that appears in every post, such as coffee, plants, water or food; whatever you like! This type of theme tends to be best suited to Instagram accounts that function to promote a specific type of product.
Post & repeat
Another popular theme that guides the content you post creates a repeating pattern of two or three different types of images. For example, this could be set out with two photos of people or scenery for every text post. The text post is usually positioned in between the two photos so that when the feed is viewed as a whole the text posts create a line down the middle. This theme allows for some diversity of content, while also maintaining an organised and symmetrical look to your feed.
A theme for your Instagram page is important for more reasons than just creating a uniform feed and guiding the content you post. Remember that the follow button is located at the top of your main feed, so people are viewing your account and most recent posts as one entity that represents your brand as a whole when they are deciding whether or not to follow you. For that reason, you want to put your best foot forward with the type of cohesive, visually pleasing and professional feed that a theme can help you achieve.
Improve your engagement
One of the other key reasons an Instagram theme is so important is because it can help improve engagement and your connection with your audience. A consistent theme will help your posts stand out to your followers in their feeds littered with hundreds of other accounts’ posts. The element of repetition in your theme will also mean your audience will know what to expect from your posts, allowing them to easily understand the messages you are trying to communicate relating to your brand.
Because Instagram is one of the most powerful platforms available to you to promote yourself and your brand, it is important that your feed reflects who you are and effectively communicates the messages you are trying to get across to your audience. A theme allows you to achieve this in the most aesthetically pleasing way possible, while still appearing professional and creating interesting content for your audience. So, if you haven’t started planning a gorgeous new theme for your feed already – what are you waiting for?!
Do you need help developing a theme for your Instagram account, or creating gorgeous content to fill your feed? Get in touch with us here at Melbourne Social Co!
Contact us today: [email protected]
4 Reasons Your Business Should Be On Pinterest
One of the fastest growing platforms, Pinterest, has become an essential part of any digital marketing strategy, with its powerful Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) benefits, ability to increase traffic to your business website and an opportunity for pinners to become creatively interactive with your business.
Not convinced? Here are 4 reasons why your business should be on Pinterest.
Your target market is using it:
A recent survey announced that more than 100 million people are on Pinterest, which means there is a large consumer base just waiting for you to connect with. The target market is typically females under 40-years-old, who have broad interests in a range of topics including pets, fashion, food, travel, fitness, creative DIY, business and more.
Pinners want to engage with businesses:
According to Pinterest, a recent study has shown that when pinners were asked if they’d rather follow a celebrity or business, 83% said they would rather follow a business. This means Pinterest encourages active audiences who are keen to know about your product or service and engage in your business inspirations and interests.
Your pins last forever:
There’s no secret that social media and content marketing is gold for Search Engine Optimisation and Pinterest is no exception. Unlike other forms of SEO strategies, your pins on Pinterest last forever. That means that as search and discovery are at the forefront of what makes pinners engaged, your content will always be there, available and searchable so they can be pinned, clicked on, liked and shared for many years to come.
Pinterest drives traffic:
If one of your main social media objectives is to get people to click through to your website, then Pinterest is the place to be. When you pin an image from your website, it allows pinners to then save that image onto their own boards, or simply click on that image to be taken to your business’s website for more information or to purchase your products or services.
Do you know how to strategically use Pinterest to boost SEO, increase website traffic and create an active online following for your business?
If not - Melbourne Social Co has a range of social media account management and training packages available for your business now.
Contact us for more information: [email protected]