Top ways to build your email database through social media

Build your email database through social media

Is your email list looking a little dismal? Do you desperately want to turn your social followers into subscribers who will then become loyal customers? Sounds like a dream right? Not anymore! Here we share some of our top tips to building your email database through social media.

Share an incentive for those who subscribe

Make it worth their while for signing up! Many e-commerce stores offer a discount of 10%-20% on the next purchase. Alternatively, you could offer a free sample, a coupon or exclusive content. These are great ways to encourage people to subscribe because hey, who doesn’t love a discount or freebie!

Email only offers

Supplying exclusive, premium content in exchange for an email address is a tried and tested technique. For example, offering early access to a mid-season sale or a new e-book would be perfect. This creates excitement and a need to be ‘in the know’. Current subscribers might share this with their friends and family, which will lead to more subscribers. Winning! Additionally, to make this exclusivity known, make the followers on your social channels aware that they’re missing out on amazing offers. This should entice them to sign up!

Host a competition

Hello freebies! Hosting a giveaway is a great way to grow your subscribers. If you’re thinking about running the contest on Facebook, make the call to action a sign up to the mailing list. You can promote the competition on your other social channels too; just make sure to add a link to a page where the audience can subscribe. Here is one way to run the competition; anyone who provides his or her email address will receive a competition entry. You can also encourage your followers to share the competition with their network, possibly offering them additional entries for doing so.

Implement a Facebook sign-up button

If you haven’t already, you should add a sign-up button to your business Facebook page. This call to action button will take the user to a landing page on your website where they can subscribe to your mailing list. The sign up button is near the top of the page so its easily visible to your audience and they’re more inclined to click on it!

If you’re looking for a little more help when it comes to email marketing, shoot us an email and we can give you a helping hand.

Create, Credit, Copyright

Create, Credit, Copyright

Don’t get us wrong, the Internet is a wonderful platform that has leveraged marketing opportunities for thousands of brands and created a whole new industry for those creatively driven. However, it hasn’t come without some bad practices largely due to ignorance and laziness. If you haven’t figured it out by now, we’re talking about copyright.

Did you know that if you create something original, whether it be music, written work or a photo, your work is protected under Australian Copyright Law? This protection is instantaneous from the moment of creation and no copyright registration is required. What many people don’t realise is that this law extends to content that is posted to social media. Have you ever come across an Instagram #inspo account or seen a photo credited with ‘image via pinterest? If you have, then it’s likely you’ve come across content that is breaching federal legislation.

Social media, particularly Instagram, is a platform that encourages people to share content and inspiration. However, in some scenarios, people have taken the sharing culture a little too far by claiming other’s content as their own.

To ensure that you are following social media etiquette, we have put together a few tips that will help you to keep your feed honest, reputable and legal.

  • Ask permission to regram the original content creator’s image by simply sending them a quick DM. Most people are more than happy for you to share their content as long as you tag them in the photo and credit them in the caption.
  • Tag and credit! Be sure to always tag and credit the content creator in both the caption and the image tags. This way you’re never misleading anyone.
  • If in doubt or you can’t find the original content creator, consider whether you really need to post that particular photo.

Why not have a go at trying to create your own content. We’ve shared plenty of handy tips and tricks in our ‘Mastering the #flatlay’ online course to help you get started.

Ten tips to leading a more productive life

Ten tips to leading a more productive life

Do you find yourself clicking your pen an hour after you sit down at your desk? Do you take a few too many coffee breaks just so you can escape the office? Here are ten tips to help you lead a more productive life both in the office and at home.

  1. To-do lists (tackle the toughest to-do first)

To-do lists help organize our chaotic lives, so start writing friends! Even better, write tomorrow’s to-do list today. Before you go to bed each night, jot down the list of jobs you want to complete tomorrow. You’ll have a head start for the following day! #winning

  1. Switch off

A good nights sleep is super important if you want to be a fully functioning adult the following day. Switching off your mobile phone will stop you from checking Instagram at 2am, leading to an amazing sleep. If you’re feeling daring, you could even leave your phone outside your bedroom (gasp!)

  1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is great because it gives us more energy (yay!) When you exercise, the brain releases serotonin, which stimulates positive moods and emotions. Exercise also increases blood flow to the brain, sharpening awareness and alertness.

  1. Set goals

Setting goals that are achievable yet difficult will help push you to greater success. Writing goals down on a piece of paper and making them visible everyday means you’re more likely to focus on achieving them!

  1. Start your day early

Okay so waking up at 5:30am might be a hard ask, but getting up when the sun does has its benefits. Completing tasks early in the day leaves you feeling accomplished by 10am and gives you the confidence to tackle the rest of the day. Not to mention you have the whole evening to relax!

  1. Organize your office space

Your environment is important factor when it comes to productivity. Try de-cluttering your desk, adding some plants and perhaps burning a candle. This will create an environment that makes you feel positive and creative. 

  1. Stop multi-tasking

As much as we’d love to believe otherwise, it’s near impossible to do more than one thing at a time. Free your mind (and your desktop) of distractions so you can focus on one task at a time. 

  1. Eat well

Eating well and drinking plenty of water is important for both our physical and mental health. A study by the British Journal of Health Psychology highlighted that the more fruits and vegetables people consumed, the happier, more engaged, and more creative they tended to be.

  1. Take frequent breaks

We’re all guilty of thinking we’re superhuman and that we’re able to sit at our desk working for four hours straight. Our brains can only function for so long so remember to take breaks throughout the day; stretch, grab a coffee, have a snack, or walk around the block. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to conquer the next task!

  1. Utilize your commute

If you use public transport to get to and from work each day, use the journey wisely. Instead of spending half an hour in the office checking emails, why not go through them on your commute. If you’re stuck in traffic driving to work, put on a podcast! Try Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso.

We hope these tips help you overcome that slump of productiveness we all go through every now and then.

Do you have any productivity pointers of your own? Share them with us in the comment section below.

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

Have you always wanted to fill your workplace with terrariums and indoor plants? Well we're here to tell you, you should!

A number of scientific studies have proven the psychological and physical benefits of having plants in the office.

Here are five reasons to add some greenery to your workplace!

Reduced stress

Adding plants to the workplace has been known to reduce stress, as well as feelings of anger, depression and anxiety. Being in an environment with greenery present makes employees both calmer and happier.

Cleaner air

Air quality is significantly improved with the presence of plants as they help clear the air of chemicals. They decrease carbon dioxide levels and also assist in reducing dust levels.

Increased productivity

Research has shown that having plants in the office increases productivity among employees. Individuals perform cognitive tasks better, along with being more focused and having much better concentration. Employees also display greater creativity when plants are present in the office.

A better environment to be in

It is reasonably fair to say that plants make for a pretty great environment to be in. Along with their psychological benefits, plants make for a much more pleasant and tranquil environment to be in...and therefore work in!

Reduce sickness and absence

Having plants in the workplace can reduce sickness among employees as plants bring moisture back into the environment, which helps reduce the likelihood of headaches, sore throats and stuffy noses.

So which plants should you have?

There are a number of plants that will fit perfectly into the workplace! Here are some of the best indoor plants that thrive in low light, dry environments and will stay alive if you forget to water them every now and then (we’re all guilty of this!):

  • Spider plant
  • Snake plant
  • Peace Lily
  • Devil’s Ivy
  • Succulents
  • Cacti

As for the placement of plants in the office, this is dependent on the office conditions. If your workplace is blessed with large windows and natural light, you can essentially choose any of the plants listed above and put them wherever you like...lucky duck! If your office receives very little sunlight, you’re best to stick to plants like Peace Lily and Devil’s Ivy.

Do you have plants in the office already? Let us know your favourites in the comments below!

5 reasons to add greenery to your workspace

How to build an ‘engaged’ online audience

Building a social media audience

You've got great content, but how can you make sure it's being 'seen' and 'heard' on social media?

Your engagement rates now play a huge role in your brand's visibility on social media, but how can you go about building an engaged audience? Here are some of our top tips.

Have a good strategy in place to make sure you’re creating the right types of content, and sharing it on the right platforms (at the right time!)

When planning your content, you shouldn’t necessarily be thinking about how to get it in front of everyone – it’s all about getting it in front of the right people! To do this, you must define who your audience is, what their interests are, and create content that will really speak to them. The more engaged your audience is, the more likely it is that your content will be shared.

Consistency is key! Make sure you’re posting good quality content on a regular basis.

Engage, engage, engage! Spend at least 15-30 minutes every day engaging with fans, likeminded users and influencers to build your network. The more you show interest in and support others on social, the more you’ll be supported right back!

Use hashtags, both branded and unbranded to curate your content.

And finally, think about supporting your social media content with an advertising budget through Facebook/Instagram ads.

If you’d like to learn to how master social media marketing from our team, The Social Co Academy are currently offering a very special offer.

For a limited time only redeem Coupon Code: ‘SOCIALMELB50’ at the checkout to receive 50% OFF The Social Co Academy‘s signature online course – the Social Media Masterclass!

How to create an engaging Instagram feed

How to create an engaging Instagram feed

Is your brand's Instagram account flatlining? It's no secret that Instagram is one of the hardest platforms to manage and grow at the moment, but there are a few things you can do to get your brand back on track.

Let's get back to basics

Upload an eye-catching profile pic

The profile pic real estate is limited, so use it well! Generally a logo, or an abbreviated version of your logo using block colour works well here

Write a catchy bio

A great Instagram bio should:

  • Explain a bit about you / your brand and what you do
  • Appeal to your target audience
  • Showcase your tone of voice and brand personality to give fans a taste of what to expect

Make sure your contact details are correctly listed

Is your account set to business, and have you linked it with your Facebook page for seamless advertising campaigns?

Now that you've got the basics covered, it's time to develop your Instagram style guide.

Pay attention to your colour palette

Some of the most successful Instagram accounts tend to use a select colour palette for their photos, helping them to create a distinct style.

Keep your fonts consistent

Aspirational/quirky quotes and text overlays are all the rage on Instagram. To create a cohesive aesthetic, make sure you keep your fonts are consistent throughout your feed.

Now that you have your basic design guidelines, you can start creating some content. At this point, we suggest thinking about your feed as a whole, rather than working image by image

First impressions count, and when someone is checking your brand out on Instagram, they’ll most likely look at the first three rows of your grid first. Do your images all work well together? In today’s world, your feed is essentially your business card, so we  suggest taking some time to make sure it’s the right representation of your brand.


If you’re using a filter, trying picking one, and sticking with it throughout the feed.

Using Apps to plan your content

What can you use?

There are heaps of programs on the market that you can use to schedule and plan your Instagram posts. Just make sure you aren’t using one which navigates around Instagram’s API.

Here’s a few programs you can use to plan your Instagram posts:

Later (previously Latergram)

  • Re-directs posts through their app, at time you’ve scheduled
  • Provides a series of tiered plans to choose from depending on the size of your business, and how many posts you plan to schedule
  • Allows you to edit photos from inside the app
  • Provides a grid view so you can preview your page before you post
  • The media library allows you to store as many photos as you need to help make scheduling even easier


  • Aimed at creatives, Plann is all about creating an aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed
  • Grid view allows you to add multiple photos at a time and drag and drop them until they’re in the right place
  • Add captions and store hashtags that will be copied to your dashboard when its time to post
  • A push notification will alert you when it’s ready to go

So you've got a beautiful feed, but how can you make it engaging? 

Only post high quality photos

It may seem like a no brainer, but as Instagram is such a visual platform, it’s important to make sure your image is high quality, and not blurry.

Post a variety of shots and content types

Variety creates interest, and interest translates to followers, and followers become customers. So before you post two coffee shots in a row, stop and think about how you can mix things up. And – avoid duplicating your content within your feed!

Create space within your feed

Creating space in your grid is important to helping the eye move freely throughout your feed. We’re not talking about old fashioned borders, but rather mixing up busy images with more minimal posts.

Pay attention to your captions!

Captions can sometimes be an afterthought on Instagram, but we’re here to tell you they’re still important! Keep them short, sharp and include your call to action within the first sentence.

Avoid overly promotional content

While you can still use Instagram to promote your brand and products, keep your sales content subtle, avoiding posting plain product shots or logos. Break up your branded content with aspirational imagery.

Mentioning an influencer or brand in your post? Tag them!

By sharing the love and tagging those influencers, you’re starting a conversation, which hopefully will lead to them supporting you right back!

What are you favourite Instagram tips and tricks? Share them with us @MelbourneSocialCo

A guide to using hashtags on social media

A guide to using hashtags on social media

Hashtags are a way of life in 2017.

In fact, the hashtag is so recognised that it was added to the Oxford dictionary in 2010!

But, despite the fact that we all know what they are, many small business owners are yet to unlock their benefits when it comes to promoting their businesses.

The right hashtag, (or combination of hashtags,) will increase the reach and exposure of your content. And by making yourself more discoverable on social media, you’re increasing your chances of attracting new followers, increasing engagement, and ultimately, increasing awareness for your brand.

Not sure how to make the most of hashtags on social media?

Our friends at The Social Co Academy and sharing their top hashtag do’s and don’ts in a new eBook. Click here to download it now.

How to use Instagram to build brand awareness

How to use Instagram to build brand awareness

By now, we're sure you know why Instagram is a must-have tool to grow your business.

With over a third of social media users on Instagram, it’s an essential social media platform for not only connecting and engaging with existing consumers, but marketing to new people as well.

However, using Instagram to build brand awareness is so much more than creating an account and posting pretty pictures.

Need help getting started? Try these four tips:

  1. Use Instagram stories:

When Instagram decided to jump on the Snapchat stories trend back in 2016, consumers got excited. Nearly 100 million people use Instagram stories daily, to showcase live updates on their personal lives, share behind the scenes content or promote products and services.

So if you haven’t already started posting stories on our business account– we’re here to tell you to join the trend! Instagram stories are a great way to get your content in front more people, tap into location stories and engage existing followers (especially since the new algorithm is making it harder for your content to be visible in the feed.) The trick? Keep consumers interested by posting useful and engaging content that isn’t too promotional or 'salesy'. 

  1. Host a competition:

What better way to increase awareness for your brand than by hosting a competition? Instagram competitions that use a follow and ‘tag a friend’ approach, help to get your business name and account in front of new people who are likely to also be interested in your product or service based on what you’re giving away.

Just ensure you have an engaging graphic, simple entry method and back it up with paid ads. If you're ready to take your Instagram competition to the next level, why not partner with a relevant influencer to cross promote your competition to their followers?

  1. Run paid ads:

Instagram advertising is a great way get your great quality content in front of a highly-targeted audience. You can now run Brand Awareness ads through Facebook’s Ads manager which places your ad in front of people who are the most likely to recall it, and then optimises it accordingly. You don’t have to spend a fortune on these ads, as little as $5 per day can make a world of difference!

  1. Collaborate collaborate collaborate!

Whether you choose gifting campaigns, influencer takeovers or sponsored collaborations, one of the most effective ways of building your brand awareness on Instagram is by tapping into the large followings of Instagram bloggers and celebrities. Just ensure you choose influencers who are suitable for your brand as their followers are likely to pay attention when they post about your business!

Do you need help building your business’s brand awareness on Instagram? Speak to our social media experts at Melbourne Social Co today!

Call us on 1300 386 165 or send us an email at [email protected].


5 Things Every Business Owner Should Do Before 7am

5 Things Every Business Owner Should Do Before 7am

Ready to make a big difference to your day? It all begins with your morning routine!

The first few hours of your day can have a huge impact on your overall mental and physical state so it’s vital to implement some easy morning tasks to reduce stress, increase happiness and encourage productivity and motivation for the day ahead.

Get your alarm ready and try these 5 things every business owner should do before 7am now:

  1. Get up early:

For those of you out there who aren’t naturally morning people, we’re here to encourage you to set your alarm that little bit earlier and get up and get moving.

Waking up early is a great way to find extra time to fit all those little tasks in that you run out of time to do, including exercising, cleaning the house, reading a book, or getting on top of your to-do list.

Use this time before the phone starts to ring, or your kids get up to do something positive. We guarantee it will help you feel less stressed and more motivated for the day ahead.

  1. Exercise:

There’s nothing quite like getting those endorphins going first thing in the morning!

Starting your morning with regular exercise can help reduce stress, clear your mind and increase your energy for a busy working day ahead! Plus, it’s great for your physical health by helping you combat obesity and health concerns like heart disease.

Try a walk or run around the block, a weight session at the gym or even yoga exercises in your lounge room. Every little bit counts!

  1. Set your goals and priorities:

If you’re struggling to get through your never-ending to-do list, spend some time before you head into the office to write your goals and priorities for the day.

This will help you begin your day with purpose, so you can increase your productivity and focus on the tasks that really matter.

We recommend putting the hardest and biggest tasks at the top of your to-do list, so you can tick them off first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh. 

  1. Do something that you love:

Sometimes with the craziness of our day-to-day lives, we forget to take time out to do the things that we enjoy. So why not spend those early hours before 7am, doing something for you. This is sure to kick-start your day on a positive note. 

  1. Avoid phone time:

While it may be tempting to roll over and scroll through your social media channels or check your emails as soon as you wake, it’s important to try limiting access to your phone for at least the first 30 minutes to an hour when you wake up. By looking at your phone first thing in the morning, you’re more likely to start your day in a stressful and negative mind frame, then if you have some sacred time to focus on doing something positive for your mind and body.

Are you a business owner who gets up before 7am? What are your essential morning tasks? Comment and let us know.

Why Facebook Live should be part of your digital marketing strategy

Why Facebook Live should be part of your digital marketing strategy

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Facebook Live is one of key digital marketing tools for 2017 and if you haven’t already started using it for your business now is the time!

Facebook Live can help you take your social media marketing to the next level, by helping you create an engaging conversation with your followers, reach new audiences in new ways and connect with your current audience in a more personal and interactive way.

Ready to join the trend and get started?! Here are a couple of ways you can use Facebook Live as part of your business’s digital marketing strategy:

Showcase your product or service in action:

Sometimes the hardest job for marketers is to explain to their audience exactly what their service is or specific product features. That’s why Facebook Live is a great tool for showcasing these unique characteristics and benefits, in an engaging way that doesn’t rely on just imagery or text.

For example, if you offer a beauty service, why not use Facebook Live to demonstrate the beauty service in action? If you have a food or beverage product you could use Facebook Live to show off a great recipe.

Make it personal: 

Facebook Live is a great tool for sharing behind the scenes content to show a more personal side to your business. You could host an interview with key members of your staff, share some great behind the scenes content of a photoshoot, live auction or tour of your office. People love seeing the ‘real’ components (and people) in your business!

Encourage interaction:

As a business owner, chances are you’re an expert in your field. Share your knowledge, showcase your expertise and answer common questions through Facebook Live and while you’re doing that, encourage your audience to interact with you!

Ask them to comment their questions and answer your commenter by addressing them by name. This is a great way to build a relationship with your consumer and keep them hooked!

Ready to get started? Here are a few top tips to try now: 

  • Tell fans you’re broadcasting ahead of time: Post 2 – 3 sneak peeks or previews to encourage people to tune in when you go live
  • Always do a practice run
  • Film in a professional setting
  • Be creative!

Do you need help developing a Facebook Live strategy for your business? Contact your expert team of digital marketing gurus at Melbourne Social Co today!

Call us on: 1300 386 165 or send us an email at: [email protected].